Wednesday, January 30, 2008

30 on the 30th

I hate to admit it, but here goes...I am 30 today. I think that means it is my golden birthday or something? I am still having a little trouble believing I am no longer in the 20's. But here are some things I have learned about turning 30:

I can no longer sleep through the night without having to get up and go to the potty.

I can no longer go to bed at night without taking an antacid.

I have noticed quite a few new lines on my face, especially around my eyes and a little around my mouth. But, no gray hairs yet - unlike my younger sister who does have gray hair!

I was thinking about having a little pity party for myself and eating the whole birthday cake (I made for myself) by myself. TJ is never home anymore and it hasn't been fun being a single mom lately, so I thought I would have a pity party. Then I got these beautiful flowers delivered to my home from a friend and countless friends and family have called wishing me happy birthday. And I got some beautiful cards in the mail too - thanks guys!! You saved me from eating all those calories :) I like to pretend I can decorate cakes like my sister Steph, obviously from the picture I cannot decorate very good, but I like to try. And here is a picture of the pretty necklace and earrings my parents gave me, but I couldn't get a picture of the earrings, so you can just see the necklace. I just got back from young women's and my girls made it special too with presents, cards, brownies, cupcakes and lots of hugs. Thanks everyone for making it a special birthday! I am hoping to get to see my husband tonight ;o)


Jenn said...

YEAH!!!! Happy Birthday!! Welcome to the 30 club!

Holly said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! Great job on the cake. Hope all your dreams come true.

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Melissa! You're cake is beautiful - I'm impressed.

*J*E*N* said...

Happy Birthday, I wish we could take you to Sammys for your special dinner!

*Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Melissa!!! Sorry I am so lame and I missed it. I thought I was older than you....Hmmm. You lookin good, our 30s are going to be wonderful I know it!