Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Kim!

My little sister, Kim, turns 28 today! I told TJ all I wanted for my birthday is to see my sister, but unfortunately she lives in a place with lots and lots of snow and it is not possible to get to a place to get on an airplane at this time of year, sigh, I will have to wait to see her. She is the bestest sister ever, we talk multiple times a day and I don't know what I'd do without her. When we were little I was scared of the dark (still am) and she would go down the dark hall first and turn on the light for me (I am two years older than her). I would also go climb in bed with her when I was scared at night. She always makes me feel better. The only reason I would ever have another baby would be to give Brenalee a sister, but there is no guarantee I can give her a sister vs. a brother and what if they didn't even like each other? So, Brena will have to be bestest cousins with Kim's little girl, Kayleigh. They are only 6 weeks apart, and Kayleigh won't be getting a sister either, so hopefully Brena and Kayleigh can be close. Happy Birthday Kim!

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