Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tyler's first fish

Tyler got a fishing pole for his birthday. Today he finally caught a fish! Brena was so proud of him she wanted to show off his fish. The fish swallowed the hook. T.J. is trying to save the poor thing right now. The last time a fish swallowed the hook T.J. couldn't save it in time, so it died. Then he gave the kids a science lesson on dissecting a fish. It was very interesting and all the neighborhood kids were enthralled with it.


The Poore Family! said...

How fun! Your kids are so cute. SAD YOU ARE LEAVING! I want to go fishing. Those are my random thoughts for the day! :)

Patty said...

My first fishing pole was a cane pole and I always caught small perch that had to be tossed back into the river because they were so small. My dad would have 3 to 5 poles all lined up on the river bank and would catch the most fish; my mom made the best fish dinners on an open fire with a cast iron skillet. I always liked fishing when I was growing up.

KC and DL said...

That is sooo something my husband would do too! As for me, I stay far away from slimy fish.

Hawaii will be an awesome adventure for you! I'm jealous!

Jenn said...