Monday, March 23, 2009

T.J. goes to Alaska

T.J. got to fly his plane up to Anchorage, Alaska. He left on Friday and got home early this morning (2:30 a.m. and then was back at work at 8:30a.m.!). He just barley missed the volcano erupting yesterday.

The plane. They got some snow while they were there.


T.J. hard at work ;-)

T.J. called me Friday night when they got there and was complaining it took them 10 hours to fly up there. I told him think how lucky you are! 10 hours is it?? To fly all the way from Jacksonville to Anchorage?!! Do you have any idea how long it would take a normal person to go to the airport, get there early, go through security, wait to board the plane, get on the plane, get off and transfer somewhere else, etc. etc.??? Seriously, how awesome would it be to just go hop on your plane and take off?


Jackie's Stitches said...

I'd love to be in Alaska in 10 hours! It's all about perspective!

Prescott family said...

That is so cool! Aren't you jealous? (at least a little?). Jamey was in Tampa this weekend (& is on his long flight home now) - I was so jealous... He got to do two different weekends in Florida. I want to go!!! Maybe next time??

Dee Dee said...

That's got to be really exciting. It looks beautiful, but soooo cold!

Deborah said...

Nice pictures! Was TJ sad to miss the volcano??

Alaska and FL are so opposite each other yet so beautiful.

David and Jacquee said...

That is so exciting! I bet he loves being able to finally do what he has been training for years to do. And what a trooper to go back to work at 8:30am!