Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I didn't think it could get any colder!

I didn't think our house could get below 63...we hit a new record at 61. No heat for us! I think we had every blanket we own, which is a lot, on all our beds last night. For previous post on this click here
It's also amazing to me how on Saturday we were sitting at like 80 degrees, and in a day it can drop 30+ degrees. I guess that's Florida for you. My friend said her husband (who lives here) woke up the other morning (when it was a cold one) and said "I want to move to Florida." That really made me laugh!


Megan said...

"It's also amazing to me how on Saturday we were sitting at like 80 degrees, and in a day it can drop 30+ degrees. I guess that's Florida for you"

Gosh that sounds like Kansas! We went from 40 to 70 to 30 and now tomorrow 80...all in a week, crazy!

Prescott family said...

Where in Florida are you again? Jamey just flew to Jacksonville this morning.. I think you just moved from there? I hope it isn't cold where he is becuase he didn't take much for warm clothes.