Friday, October 12, 2007


I really enjoy Thursday and Friday. A group of us mom's from church started a play group, but it is a little different than a normal play group. There are four kids all around the same age and they all go to one of our homes every Thursday and Friday from 9am-1pm. They take a little lunch and everything. The best part of this is, the mom's don't stay! So we mom's have 6 days a month where we are without our kiddos for 4 hours. We swap weeks so once during the month I will have all four kids at my house on Thursday and Friday. It is working out so well and I really enjoy the free time to run errands and get some things done I normally don't get to with Brena and Tyler around. The really good part too is that Tyler is in preschool every day, so I really do have a few free hours with just myself :) The absolute best part is it's all FREEEEE!!!!!! Oh, and I have to tell you about the best movie I have seen in a long time. It is called "I am David" and it is a GREAT movie, if you are looking to rent one this weekend, this is totally worth it. And the great thing is, it is rated PG. It is about this little boy that has no family who grows up in a work camp in Germany, I think, and it is about him escaping the camp and going on this journey looking for something (can't tell you what, just watch the movie!). I hope you like it.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That's a fun way to do playgroup!!! I'm sure all of the moms enjoy their days off :)