Monday, August 31, 2009

Glenwood Caverns - LOTS of pictures

On the way to Denver to get to the airport we stopped in at Glenwood Springs, CO. They have a fun park there called Glenwood Caverns. We had never been, and I'd heard really good things about it. I am so glad we stopped in - it was a BLAST!

There is a cave tour, which was really neat.

There was a swing - wow! This isn't us on the swing. This swing pulled you up to the right and then blasted you off the edge of the mountain!! It was awesome. Below the swing, which you can't see is I-70 and the beautiful Colorado River. You could see lots of rafts river rafting down the river and they looked like little ants - that swing is about 1,700 or so feet up above the river and interstate.

The Colorado River, Glenwood Springs and I-70.

They had a rock climbing wall and Grandma and the kids did that together.

Look at those mountains!! I miss the mountains terribly.

Tyler getting up to the top.

Brena was actually a better climber than Tyler.

Can't get enough of the view...

This is at the swing platform - that railing behind us drops down and the swing goes right off the edge. Brena wasn't tall enough for the swing, so she didn't get to go and she screamed like you would not believe because she couldn't get on it.

The bungee jump - they were flipping all over the place on this thing.

Grandma doing flips!

Tyler flipping.

The alpine slide!! I had never done one of these before - and it was so much fun! This is actually the part coming up - you don't go down right here.

Coming up after we had gone down.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Oooo that looks SO fun. What a cool grandma to be doing all that stuff. The pictures turned out great!