Friday, November 14, 2008


If you have a Walgreens and haven't bought the free after rebate items for November, you should do it today or tomorrow. Not only will will the items be free - but you will make $5. Print off the Walgreens $5/$20 here and then go buy the Almay mascara and L'Oreal moisturizer. Here is the link from Walgreens to see what they look like. Scroll to page 20 to see pictures. Remember, this isn't a mail in rebate - you just go on and make an account, then put your receipt # in where it tells you to. They will then mail you a check or a gift card with a 10% bonus on it.

1 comment:

megan said...

I DID IT! I'm taking baby steps, but I did figure out how to do this much with Dirk's help! :o)