Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tyler's fun day

Last week the Bishop of our ward called and asked if he could take Tyler on a boy's day with him and his son. We have such a great ward, and our Bishop is seriously awesome. Tyler goes straight to the Bishop's office after primary every Sunday. He stays there for about 30 minutes - every Sunday. The Bishop plays the foot game and gives out prizes and candy. The prizes are hilarious. The Bishop has a bulletin board that he tacks paper bags to. The bag says "congratulations, you just won this junk from the Bishop's Desk." Brena has won a sprinkler head, toothbrushes from hotel rooms the Bishop has stayed at and other strange things. Tyler has won press pass cards from places the Bishop goes to for work, hot sauce packets...just funny things. But, they absolutely love winning those bags of junk! Needless to say, Tyler LOVES our Bishop. The Bishop and Nate picked Tyler up about 10:30 on Monday because there was no school. He was with them all day. They went to a thrift store just for fun, got junk food at the gas station, watched a movie and shot some hoops at the church.

Brena and I decided to do a girl's day. We ate lunch at Chick-fil-a and went to see The Princess and the Frog. We had a good time.


Adrienne said...

What a great guy! And cute neighborhood.

Jenn said...