Saturday, January 30, 2010

Birthday Surprise

Last week my good friend asked me if I wanted to go to dinner Friday night - her husband would watch my kids. Of course I said yes! I called her Friday about an hour before I was supposed to be at her house so we could decide where we wanted to go. Because you know how it usually goes - I don't know, where do you want to go? That kind of thing. Well, she automatically said where we were going because it was close and good. I didn't think anything of it, I was just grateful someone had made a decision for me, I get tired of making all the decisions! We get to the restaurant and it's packed, people are waiting. She talks to the hostess and we walk right in - I just thought she had made a reservation. Then I saw someone from our church at a table. I tried telling my friend that there were people we knew there, but she was ignoring me. Then, we turn the corner and there are 16-18 or so people I know sitting at a table with a cake on it. Now I am thinking "why didn't we get invited to this party?" Then, they start singing Happy Birthday to me - that's when I finally figured it out! It was a surprise party for me! I feel SO incredibly blessed to have so many amazing friends in my life. It's truly a huge blessing to feel so loved and taken care of when all of my family (and husband) is thousands of miles away. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! It was a great day.

The out-of-this-world chocolate cake!

My fun gifts.


Jenn said...

HOW AWESOME!!!! Glad they surprised deserve it! :)

Anonymous said...

AAAGGHH!! Lucky duck! I've always wanted a surprise B-day! That is great that they pulled it off w/out you knowing too.

Unknown said...

That is so fun! :)

Adrienne said...

Wow, congrats to whoever pulled that off! I never know who to invite to my husband's birthday we just stay home. Lame, I know.

Deborah said...

Man that cake looks so delicious! Happy Birthday Melissa!