Monday, July 4, 2011

Colorado Camping Trip

 We flew to Colorado for a summer vacation this year.  The kids and I hadn't been back for over a year and TJ hadn't been back in over 2 years - so it was time!  We went camping over the July 4th holiday.  My entire family went.  We had a blast.  It was so much fun to sit and play cards with my sisters, watch the boys fish and shoot guns, and watch the girls play in the dirt until they were black.  The only downside: no showers - for 4 days!  We were pretty ripe when we finally made it home!

I love the mountains - nice and cool and so incredibly beautiful.  I really, really miss those mountains.
 Papa and Tyler played a lot of chess - Tyler loves playing chess with Papa.  My dad was always playing chess with us when we were younger.  He's carried that tradition on with the grand kids - well Tyler anyways!
We ate really well up there!  My brother-in-law Pat did a lot of the dinners and desserts and they were fabulous!  We had a good time eating :)
 The three little girls who were always very, very dirty!
 The boys shot - a lot.
 All the boys shot...a lot!

Some of the gorgeous scenery - the pictures just don't do it justice.
 The lake was freezing, but it was pretty warm in the middle of the afternoon - so some of us decided to swim...
not Kayleigh though - she's not too fond of water - but Bella (the dog) is!
 Silly Samuel - he was a little cold after his dip in the lake.
 We were camping on the 4th of July so the kids did some sparklers.  Tyler was too tired to stay up for that, so he went and put himself to bed in the tent.

 What a great time we had!

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