Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Brenalee's dance recital

Brenalee had her jazz/tumble dance recital this past weekend.  Her class did the Conga.  It was really cute.  You are only allowed to take pictures during the rehearsal, not the actual recital.  The rehersal was on Friday morning and then the recital was on Saturday afternoon. 

Here she is waiting for her turn to go on stage:

 Getting ready to start!

 Shakin' it!

These were pictures the day of the recital, right be fore we left to go to the UNF campus.

 Last year after her recital we forgot to bring flowers.  Well, all I've heard about for THE ENTIRE PAST YEAR was how we forgot her flowers and not to forget them this time.  I remembered :)
Tyler was funny - after her dance I asked him "didn't she do so good?"  He said "yeah, but her legs are too long."  Ha ha!  That made me laugh - she did have the longest legs in the class.

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