Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Tyler loves to cook.  His specialty is breakfast.  He really enjoys making yellow pancakes (our name for a family favorite oven baked pancake), waffles and breakfast sandwiches with eggs.  He made chocolate chip waffles this morning.  I thought I'd let Bristol have some.  What a mess!  She had to go straight to the tub when she was finished!  Tyler is such a good boy and a huge help!  I'm so grateful for him and his sweet little spirit!  The other day we were running late in the morning and I was trying to finish getting lunches packed.  The phone rang and it was a mom of a friend of Tyler's.  The kids really needed to get out the door, but I didn't have their lunches ready.  I couldn't get off the phone!  Tyler came in and noticed I was needing help and without even being asked he finished chopping the strawberries and getting everything in the lunch boxes.  I feel so blessed to have such a sweet boy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great kid!!