Friday, May 21, 2010

New addition to our family

Meet Cesar and the reason why we got a fence. Cesar is a 4-year old blue Doberman. We adopted him from a foster home. My friend who does my hair, and goes to church with me, fosters Dobermans. She also has 5 dogs of her own - 4 of which are Dobermans. My kids love animals, so I would take them over to her house to let them get their fill of dog play. They got Cesar back in February and we have been playing with him ever since. We fell in love with him and decided to adopt him. He is seriously the best dog ever. And a perfect first dog for us. He doesn't have any hair, so he doesn't shed. He doesn't jump, lick, he rarely barks. He has never growled. He doesn't jump on the furniture, and he has never chewed on anything but his toy bones. He sleeps in a crate at night. I let him stay loose in the house when I leave and he has never had an accident. He is stuck to my side like glue. He won't let me go anywhere in the house without him.

The kids adore him. Brena calls him "babycakes" ha ha!!
New fence. Cesar got to run in the yard today, I think it's safe to say he loves his new yard. TJ isn't going to recognize anything when he gets back!


Unknown said...

I am not a dog lover- but, if I were in your situation I would SO get a dog like that!
Glad the kids love babycakes so much! I think that should be his name! ha...ha..

Anonymous said...

OH, I love Dobermans! I grew up w/ them as our family dog too. Every kid needs a dog! :-)

Jenn said...

Wow, Melissa! How fun for you guys, though :) Love the new fence!!