Thursday, May 1, 2008


Have you seen the Chipmunk movie? Brena loves it and she imitates the part in there when the chipmunk throws something at Dave and he throws it back, but misses. Then the chipmunk says "chick-a-wa-wa, chick-a-wa-wa" she cracks us up and she does it all the time, so I tried to get her to do it for camera, it's not as cute as she normally does it, but it is still funny. Enjoy!

Also, I haven't been posting much lately - I have actually been very busy on a project and it is almost done! But, I can't share it with you because I don't want a certain lurker to see it yet :) I will post on it when I can - I am so excited to share it! Hopefully in a few weeks. On another note, I had my last piano lesson today :( I am leaving out of t0wn, and I know I won't be able to make lessons in the summer, so hopefully in the fall I will start up again. I have a wonderful piece almost ready to play in church - I think my teacher is putting me on the program for when I get back in town. I might try to record the song so I can post it for all to hear.


Cula said...

Hilarious! Are you sure that your going to convention? There has to be a way!!!

Holly said...

How cute! Just look at those big brown eyes. I hope you do video yourself playing the piano when the time comes.

TheGefrom5 said...

How cute! She has gotten so big! i cant believe it! My kids love the chipmunks too, and they are always shakin their booties just like that! Whats up with those kids of ours?:)love your blog!