Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pinewood Derby

 Tyler had his first ever Pinewood Derby!  We were so excited to see how his car did.  I know he wanted it to do well, but he just sat in the background waiting to see what would happen while all the other boys couldn't help but crowd around the track.
 Setting up the cars
 Tyler's car was coming in first every single time.  It was not even close how much his car was beating the others!

 Then on one of the last races something happened and a scout leader leaned down to pick Tyler's car up from the track as it was still racing - missed it, but knocked the wheel and the car went flying off the track.  When they would try to race it after that, it couldn't even keep up with the other cars.  All the dads realized something was very wrong.  They looked it over and the wheel got cracked.  I was so upset and when I finally told TJ what had happened I was surprised at how upset he was - almost like I shouldn't have told him what happened he was so upset. 

 They ended up giving him 2nd place over all which was nice.  But, poor Tyler was upset he didn't win - which he should have!

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