Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Tyler started sparring in Tae Kwon Do last month. It's a little strange to see your child fighting another child. But, it's all controlled and it's just part of the sport. Tyler's instructors tell me "he was born for sparring!" My very quiet, shy, meek little boy must carry some deep rooted emotions down inside of him because he is a monster when he is sparring! They have him do sparring against the older, higher up belts and he thinks he is pretty cool to beat a red belt (one step from the highest belt - the black belt) while he is only a senior orange belt - a very long ways from red or black.

1 comment:

David and Jacquee said...

How exciting for Tyler. Tae Kwon Do is pretty awesome:) Looks like he is catching on fast. Pretty soon he will be at a black belt :)