Tuesday, November 17, 2009

hmmm, where to even start???

Good grief, I feel so behind I don't even know where to start. Especially because so much has happened in the last couple of months! First off, I want to post pics of the house, but I am going to do that next week. I am getting some plantation shutters put in next Monday and I don't want to take pictures of the house with the lovely paper blinds that are in the windows now!

Well, in the beginning of October TJ's mom came to take care of the kids for me while I flew up to Maine. I got to Maine late on October 6, we checked into a hotel, then left the next morning. We drove to Boston on the 7th, checked into another hotel, then headed off to the Boston LDS Temple. It was so beautiful! It was built in 2000. It was gorgeous. After our session there we ate and headed back to our room. The next day we drove to Maryland and checked into our hotel there. Then, we headed out to the Washington D.C. Temple. Another gorgeous Temple - but what one isn't? How blessed we are to have Temples in these latter days!

Washington D.C. Temple

Us outside of the Boston Temple - we forgot it would be dark when we got out of our session! We should have taken a picture before.

Boston Temple


Then on the 9th, we drove back to Florida. It was about 1,300 miles of driving. We went though 13 states in 3 days! Of course it helps that all those little New England States are so small! But, it was 3 days of alone time with my awesome Husband. 3 days wasn't enough... But, I have to share him with the kids too :) So we got home and the kids were so excited to have Daddy home again. We only had about 1 1/2 weeks until TJ left again, for good this time. I would like to say we just relaxed and had fun together. But, with all the things that had to get done around the house, we were pretty busy and stressed. It's not easy preparing for a deployment as it is, but then when you add in moving into a new house on top of it - it's a little overwhelming! The time, of course, went WAY too fast.


Jenn said...

I've missed you terribly! Can't wait to see more posts. When you get a chance shoot me an e-mail with your new mailing address please.

Prescott family said...

Looks like you guys had such a great time. I'm glad you were able to squeeze some alone time in before he leaves again! Can't wait to see the house pictures with the shutters!!

The McNeil Family said...

Sounds like a lot going on. I can't wait to see pictures of your house.

Megan said...

I am glad that you went and had that time with TJ and that those last minute moving in things were able to get done before his final deployment