Thursday, November 8, 2012

Virginia Tech Football

We got lucky and got some tickets to the VT vs. FSU game on Thursday night.  At $50 a ticket, I don't think we'll be going too often!  But, it was a blast!  We live across the street from the college and a short distance from the stadium.  So, we walked over to one of the parking lots, and tailgated a little with some friends we had just met.  We had a good time eating, throwing the football and hanging around the fire pit.  The tailgating is insane around here (although I'm sure it's like this everywhere).  They start tailgating around 11am for a 7:30pm game!  We didn't get there until around 5:30.

 To say it was cold would be an understatement.  I was FREEZING the entire night.
 The start of the game.  It was so much fun.  SO exciting.  The stadium was full and everyone was jumping, it was awesome.

 Brena even got her picture up on the mega screen.  Tj and Tyler had left to go get some hot chocolate.  The camera guy came over and saw her bundled up in her VT blanket and put her up on the screen, it was pretty cool.

 Every time VT scored they shot off the cannon - nicknamed Skipper - and shot off fireworks.

It was a a really great game, we thought VT would win, but FSU won 28-22.  We had to finally leave around 9 minutes left in the 4th quarter.  Brena was crying because she was cold and tired, it was 11pm and the kids had school the next morning - and we still had about a 30 minute walk home.  All in all, it was a great night for football!  It is a lot of fun living in a small college town!

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