Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2nd Lost Tooth!

Brena finally lost her second tooth.  The permanet tooth behind it had been coming up for weeks.  She hates having her teeth pulled out and she will not let anyone touch them.  I don't know how this tooth hung in there for so long.  I swear it was hanging by a thread.  Finally TJ kinda knocked her in the mouth (gently!!) and it just fell out. 
 Brena was excited for the tooth fairy to come.  But, when the tooth fairy went to get the tooth - it was missing!!  So, Brena came crying the next morning that she lost her tooth and can't find it anywhere.  This was the note from the tooth fairy.
 This is the note to the tooth fairy that made me giggle:
Finally Tyler helped Brena locate her tooth in her bed and all was well.  She put her tooth back in the baggie like I told her in the first place and the tooth fairy visited her that night.

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