Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Flashback

Today's Friday Flashback is from March 26, 2003.  The day my sweet little Tyler was born.  He was our first baby, so it was all so exciting, overwhelming, exhausting and a lesson in patience!  That boy was a week and a day late!  The NAVY wouldn't induce me any earlier than that, and I was miserable!  But, he sure was worth the wait. 

 It's funny how I still think he looks just like this - especially at night when I check on him and he's sleeping - this is still what he looks like.
Love, love, love this boy with all my heart.  He is my special boy.


Jenn said...

We were just talking about how Tyler is going to be 8 tomorrow at dinner tonight. It has been a quick 8 years. I definitely remember the day he was born. Hope it's a special one, Tyler! J.R. asked if we could come to his baptism. :) What an exciting time!

Unknown said...

He is so adorable.
Happy Birthday!