Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Flashback

These pictures were taken in October, 2004.  My mom's family - the Whiting family - has what we call "the ranch."  My grandparents and my grandpa's brothers lived out on the ranch, as did other family members.  They even have the road they live on named after them - Whiting Road.  Anyways - we went there a lot growing up.  Things have changed now, there is only one brother left, my grandma doesn't live there, and things are just not the same.  It makes me so sad because I have such fond memories of that place while I was growing up.  All the family dinners, dinners at the barn, dinners at aunt's and uncle's houses, playing in the creek, lots of play time with cousins, swimming in the summer, etc.  For a couple of years when I was an adult, there was a corn maze out at the ranch.  I got to take Tyler there one year.  I love these pictures.  I love the fall feel to them, the mountains in the background, I love everything about these photos.  Now I'm going to go cry...

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