Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tyler turns a decade old!

My little boy is 10?!  Holy cow - how has it been a decade since he came and made me a mommy??!!

I love this little boy - he has a heart of gold and is the sweetest boy.  He is such a help with everything.  He rarely complains about all the things I ask him to do.  He loves to play soccer and his favorite food is sushi and mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce.  His favorite thing to do is play video games with friends.  His favorite friend is Campbell.  She is a neighbor girl who was in his 4th grade class and they have a lot of fun together. 

He wanted a frog cake for his birthday.  I'm no cake decorator, so thank goodness for Pinterest!  I found this cake and figured I could probably copy it.

Happy birthday buddy!

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