Saturday, December 8, 2012


We went over to a friend's house to watch the NAVY vs. ARMY football game today.  It was fun to be with NAVY friends - I miss our NAVY life!  Blacksburg isn't really a NAVY town...
Final score - NAVY 17 ARMY 13 - GO NAVY!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Brenalee's 2nd grade teacher - Mr. Greenman - also works for Pizza Hut.  He makes sure the kids get their reading certificates from pizza hut so they can get a personal pan pizza.  I'm not crazy about letting my kids eat pizza hut, but she gets so excited to earn the coupon I don't have the heart to not let her use it.  She is doing so well in her reading - I'm so impressed with her progress!  I hope she learns to love to read.

Friday, November 30, 2012

27 weeks!

This baby is just growing and growing!!  I LOVE feeling the baby move, I can't wait to meet him/her!

Friday, November 23, 2012

4th and last day in D.C.

We only had about half a day to spend on our 4th and final day in D.C.  We had to get back to Virginia so papa and nana could fly home to CO the next day.  We went to the National Archives and Ford's Theater.

What a fun trip we had - we were so happy to have papa and nana with us!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

3rd day in D.C.

Our third day in D.C. we walked a lot.  We went to the Lincoln memorial, the WWII memorial, the Washington memorial, the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of American History.  My legs were KILLING me!  This baby is making all this walking a little hard!

Vietnam Memorial

WWII Memorial

 Brenalee stole the camera for a bit and I think we have about 100 of these selfies - so cute!

 NAVY Memorial

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2nd day in Washington D.C.

 Our second day in DC we went to the White House where Beth was meeting us to take us on our tour of the White House and her offices across from the White House.  Beth is one of four military personal assistants to the Vice President Biden.  Although I personally can't stand the man, her job is really cool.  The VP always has 1 military aide with him at all times - so she goes literally all over the world with him.  Beth was our neighbor when we lived in Jacksonville, FL.  She moved in a couple months after we moved into our new house and we became fast friends.  She is a P-3 pilot and single.  She is a year older then me, unmarried with no kids.  We spent a lot of time with her.  Some of my favorite memories is going to her house to watch Army Wives every Sunday night - and pizza nights!  She seriously makes the best pizza I've ever had.  I miss her! 

We weren't allowed to take photos in the White House at that time - so we don't have any of that.
These are photos right outside the back entrance of the White House:

 The Vice President's conference room in the building right next to the White House:
 VP's desk used by many other previous presidents like Roosevelt and Bush the first.

  Then we headed over to tour the Capitol:

After we finished touring the Capitol it was time to say good-bye to Beth.  Thanks for the tours Beth!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Washington, D.C.

My parents came into town for Thanksgiving.  We didn't actually have a Thanksgiving dinner though.  We went to Washington, D.C. and spent 4 days up there looking at everything we could cram into those 4 days!  The first day was spent driving - it's about a 4 1/2 hour drive if there isn't any traffic.  Luckily there wasn't that day.  Our first stop was to Arlington National Cemetery.  The trees were beautiful, I was surprised they still had so many leaves.

 We even got to watch the changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. 

 And, we ran into my cousin and his wife - that was really crazy!  Jackie is in the Air Force and is stationed in Italy.  They had just flown into the states the day before.  I still can't believe we ran into them there!

After leaving the cemetery we drove over to the Temple.  I was really bummed the lights weren't going to be on until the Friday.  We had to leave Thursday, we missed it by a day!

After that it was dinner and to the hotel so I could sleep.  I was tired and my feet hurt!