Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cousins and beach day

I really don't care for the beach. The water is so salty, it makes your skin itch. The sand gets EVERYWHERE. If you eat or drink something you are eating sand. I usually get bit by some unknown thing in the water. But, when you have people from Wyoming visit, the beach is a must! And, actually it wasn't too bad. Samuel had never been to the beach in his life - he LOVED it! They all had a great time. And the water was actually nice and cool - so it felt really good on a hot Florida day.

Derek and Tyler thought they were big kids and kept trying to go out way too far.

TJ getting Brena started on the boogie board.

Then she was off and didn't need any help. That child is a rockstar!

Tyler swimming in the ocean.

I know my mom's gonna love this picture! Sorry mom - you're too cute not to put in!

Stud man Tyler.

Oh, there's the rockstar just finishing riding in a wave. She says she wants to be a surfer.

Kayleigh liked the beach - as long as an adult had a hold of her.

All 5 little monsters :)

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