Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Maine, Moving and More

We are all settled in the new house, and it's AWESOME. I LOVE it. Did I mention I LOVE IT!! There are still some boxes that need unpacking and other minor things, but we are loving it. The only bad thing is that we have been without phone and internet for 2 weeks - UGH! It's awful. We are supposed to have internet by Friday. TJ's mom flew into Jacksonville on Monday. I flew up here to Maine yesterday. It's so beautiful up here. Nice cool weather (55 degrees or so) and beautiful trees everywhere. Nothing like Florida. And, I am enjoying being with TJ, just him and I. We will be driving to Boston tonight and visiting the Boston LDS Temple. Then Washington D.C. the next night where we will visit that Temple as well. I am so excited to have 4 days of my husband all to myself. TJ just found out he will most likely be deploying to El Salvador for his upcoming deployment in November. That's what we were hoping for. Hopefully nothing will change on that.