I've had lots of visitors at my house the last two weeks - it's been great! But, of course I'm behind on my blogging. I had to post this before I forgot it. Saturday night we were driving home and the funniest conversation happened in the backseat. It went like this:
Kayleigh (my niece): I want to go swimming tomorrow.
Brenalee: We don't go swimming on Sunday.
Kayleigh: Why?
Brenalee: Because God doesn't want us to.
Kayleigh: Why?
Brenalee: Because you make one bad choice and you're done!
Oh my gosh, we are still laughing about that comment! If you think about it - how wonderful is it that that statement isn't true? Can you imagine if we only got to make one bad choice and that was the end of things for us? How grateful I am for a loving Father in Heaven who provided a Savior for us so when we do make that one bad choice...er...those many bad choices we can repent and not be "done."
I am with you I am so thankful to my father in heaven that forgives me for the mistakes that I make. What cute answer.. kids are great
That is the BEST! She is right (:
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