My mom made all of my sisters and my clothes when we were little. There were pictures of us 3 girls in matching dresses all the time. My mom decided to make the 3 little granddaughters matching dresses in those colors we wore when we were younger.
Brena of course is my little girl. Kayleigh who is pictured above is my sister Kimberley's little girl. Kayleigh and Brena are 2 months apart. Takiah (missing) is in a purple dress.
My sister Stephanie is the one in purple and we met her and her daughter Takiah at the photo shop, where I didn't have my camera. So, I didn't get a picture of all 3 little girls. But, their photos were adorable! Takiah had on a matching purple dress just like Stephanie does here. I'm in pink and Kim is in blue.