Well, I have finally recovered from an awful stomach bug that kept me in bed for 4 days. I have come to the conclusion that I get sick when I go to new places - Jen and Nicole - do you remember Denver last year when I was sick to my stomach for the whole time almost? Well, same thing again here. But, I am better, life is almost normal, and we are all happy and healthy. We did weather the Tropical Storm Fay, the neighbor's tramp blew across a fence and into a pool, they lost some siding on their house, TONS of trees and branches were all over, the city was shut down for 3 days, but all is better now. I am loving this new place. We are in a great location, the school is just down the road, there is a COSTCO here!!! and freeways to get me places I need to go, I love the big city! I just don't care for the humidity... We don't know how long we will be here for. We will find out the beginning of October if we stay or go to
Whidbey Island, WA, or Hawaii. We'll keep y'all posted. Here is our new happy home:
I have a great story to go with it too. I brought the kids and an air mattress here while TJ stayed in Pensacola and waited for the movers. I got here and realized I was seeing some roaches. I opened the dishwasher and they were full of them, dead and alive - YUCK!! So I called and a guy comes out and sprays all over the house and tells me to run the dishwasher - as soon as it starts running, smoke is billowing out of the thing and it stinks - really, really bad. So I shut it off, call another guy and end up getting a brand new dishwasher - whoohoo - right? Well, all that didn't happen in one day - it was a few days. So, the first night we are here sleeping on the floor, my air mattress is completely flat by 10:30 that night, I slept on the floor which wasn't the most comfortable. The next night I think I can get through this, just one more night, TJ will be here, my own bed will be here. Those were my thoughts until 11:00pm when I felt something on my hand, I didn't know what it was, so I just brushed it away. TWO SECONDS later - a HUGE, HUGE roach falls onto my HEAD!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I jump up screaming and holy cow do those things run FAST! I am chasing it all over with Brena's shoe trying to kill it, while in the process seeing 5 more roaches!! I call TJ and tell him I am going to a hotel, I drag my kids out of bed at 11:30pm, and off we go to a hotel. Then I had to wake them up again at 6:30am to get back to the house for the movers to show up at 7am, which they didn't show up until 8am, that made me a little mad. And while I am moving the suitcase in my room, yep you got it, out jumps another roach! TJ got here Saturday and I made him spray the outside of the house, and knock on wood, no more roaches yet. I thought I wasn't going to make it, we would have to find another house, move all our stuff, because there was NO WAY I was living with all these roaches. So, it's a good thing there have been no more roaches.